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Saint Peter's CatholicVoluntary Academy


God is at the heart of our school


Here are the lessons for today's learning.


What's happening today?

Say our daily prayer and look at our visual timetable to see what jobs you have lined up for today.


For the next 3 days, we are going to practice writing all of the letters you have learned over the past few weeks.  I have attached 2 files: the first is a copy of the the full set of letters on one page.  You can use this to either copy the letters, or if you print it up, you can write on it.  I've also attached a handwriting workbook - it has 3 pages per letter.   Always start at the red dot and follow the direction of the arrow.


If there are letters you find more difficult, then practise these ones first. 


If you want to write all of the letters in a sentence, try writing this:


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.


You have the link to the lessons related to the sound sets that your child is learning. Your child also needs to look at the spelling videos as part of their phonics too. These have been shared with you. Start from lesson 1 of these videos and do 1 a day. They are working retrospectively, so your child should be starting to get familiar with the sounds they are being asked to spell with. If you cannot find your link or you have forgotten which sounds your child is learning please send me a message on Dojo.



Visit the Oxford Owl website to access their free e-library, which has Read Write Inc Phonics books to match where your child is at in phonics, and book banded books to match your child's school reading book level. You all have the login details for our class account to this site, but if you can't remember it please send me a message on Dojo.


You can also use books from your child's own book shelf for reading together, and you can now also join Earl Shilton's digital library. Don't worry if you're not a member of Earl Shilton Library, you can now join online. Just follow the link:


Physical Activity


Today we're going to Dough Disco with Miss White.


Today we are planning a thank you to Jessica for rescuing Trixie.


Video lesson


Lesson powerpoint - not narrated




5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Take a few moments today for this Mindfulness Meditation activity. We always start every afternoon with some meditation just to help us, relax, focus and turn off from the business of the day for a few minutes. Click on the link below to access the meditation.



Today, in our topic on Meals, we are reflecting on and learning all about Mass.  I hope you enjoy the song in the video - please join in!  You will need to click on the music link on the webpage  and view and pause the slides for the words.


Lesson video


Lesson powerpoint - no narration

End of Day Story


Mrs Oliver is reading today's story.
