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Saint Peter's CatholicVoluntary Academy


God is at the heart of our school

Our school day

When dropping off / picking up your children, please avoid parking across driveways and on the zig-zag lines outside school. Inconsiderate parking causes disruption to others, poses a danger to children crossing the road and obstructs the flow of traffic.


Please remember to label all your child's clothing and property clearly and to inform us of any changes to your child's contact details.  

8:35 - A bell will ring and a member of staff will be on duty in the Infant playground. This is usually a member of the senior management team with Mr. Phillips. There is no supervision outside until this time. 


8:45 - School begins. Children will line up in their classes and their teacher will walk them to their classroom.


9:00 - On Mondays the children gather in the hall for assemblies and collective worship. Mrs. White, our head teacher, delivers assemblies based on the liturgical year on Mondays.


2.30 (or 2pm if Harvest/Mothering Sunday whole school) Friday assembly time is used for class assemblies.  Each class presents one big assembly during the school year,  parents are welcome to join us. We also hold an awards assembly on the first Friday of each month when children, staff and parents celebrate talents and successes. Please see the calendar page for assembly dates. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays lessons begin at 9:00. and collective worship is in the classrooms.


10:30 - 10:45 Morning break


12:00 - Lunch, although Reception Class & KS1 filter into the dining hall slightly earlier. 

1:00 - Afternoon school begins.


3:05 School finishes for infants. Reception Class & Class 1 are dismissed from their classroom doors. YR2 are walked around to the top playground by their teacher and handed over to parents at the little wooden gate.

3:15 School finishes for KS2 (years 3-6) Children will be dismissed from class and walk round to meet their parents on the top playground. Please wait on the top playground for your child to join you. 


