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Saint Peter's CatholicVoluntary Academy


God is at the heart of our school


In 2006, Fr. Michael, a Roman Catholic priest from Nigeria, came to visit our Parish and our school. He had a tragic story to relay about a baby who had been left for dead in the forest and how poorly this child was because of all the insect bites. Some local nuns took this baby into their care and this was the start of Hope House Orphanage back in 1994.


Following this visit from Fr. Michael St Peter's decided that we wanted to help. We started fund raising straight away and quickly raised £600. This money was used by the orphanage to dig a well (see photo). This had a huge impact; the nuns had water available to them. Our next project was money to pay for a water tower (see photo), to give them water pressure. Over the past eleven years we have continued to fund raise and support Hope House. Fr. Michael comes over almost annually and gives me and our children an update.


Our money over the past decade has enabled the nuns to pay for a clinic and further enhance the lives of these children. The beauty of sending money via Fr. Michael is that we know that every penny we send goes to the children. There is no administration fee at all.



Hope House Orphanage


A very big thank you to everybody who brought in a shoe box for our 'Operation Christmas Child' appeal. You were able to collect 2 large sacks of gifts which will make such a difference to lots of children this Christmas.


If you would like to find out more about the 'Operation Christmas Child' appeal or the work of Samaritan's Purse (the people who co-ordinate the appeal) please click on the link below.
